Another of our favorite vendors at our primary farmers market is a man named Paul Zibritosky from Paul's Orchards. He usually has fruit and honey, and always lets us get a taste. I tasted my first golden plum from him this year!
We saw he had a good stash of sweet black plums and scooped them up to make jam. Yes, jam. I couldn't have cared less about jam until we started making our own, and now I want it pretty much all the time. I'm glad we have a substantial stash going now!
When raw, the plums are purple and yellow. When you cook them down? Red!
Skim the foam, and into hot jars it goes.
The plum jam was the last item to fit on our first shelf. I had to do some serious rearranging and jam mingling to get the jars to fit, but it worked.
This was probably my second favorite, next to the strawberry jam